Exhibition Experiments
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Jona Piehl
Hauptprojekt 2021
2020 has been challenging for museums: loss of income, closures, delays in projects and exhibitions, new regulations for visitors creating new barriers for museum visits. At the same time, there is potential for positive change in these challenges: explorations of new digital projects, that take museums to audiences rather than the other way around, new projects and initiatives flowing from the changes in how we move and behave in public spaces, and, not least, the renewed debates around statues in the public realm and the question of how museums deal with their colonial past have fired up the debates regarding the socio-political role of museums: what’s next? How will the social, public space of the museum change, how will exhibition visiting change? How will the stories and their experience change?
Working from joint research and discussion, as well as presentations by external speakers, students speculated on the role that design might play and develop design concepts/propositions that address some of these changes.
Sabrina Kirschberger

Leona Fritsche